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Shevlin West HOA

Welcome to the Shevlin West Community. This online portal is designed for homeowners to conveniently access all information regarding the building Design Guidelines, HOA Governing Documents and to pay HOA dues online!

Governing Documents

Save Time &
Pay Online!

Shevlin West HOA is happy to provide a convenient way for homeowners to pay quarterly dues of $100. Bills for dues will be sent via email on a quarterly basis, one month prior to the due date. If payment is not received by the 15th of each month, a late fee will be assessed. 

In order to make a payment online, please click the link below and continue with the preferred payment method. If you choose to pay dues annually, there will need to be separate transactions for each quarter. 

All invoicing and statements will be sent through email, unless requested otherwise. If there are any questions about billing or payments, please email


Empire Shevlin LLC is the developer of Shevlin West and is solely responsible for the content of this website.  This website is informational only and subject to change. It is not an offering to residents of NY, NJ, CA or CT or where otherwise prohibited by law. Streets and other improvements shown on this website do not exist at this time and are possible future improvements. Empire Shevlin LLC and the property owner, Rio Lobo Investments, LLC, received master plan and tentative plan approval for Shevlin West from the City of Bend in file number PZ20-0010.  No lot in Shevlin West may be sold until final plat approval is obtained and the final plat is recorded.

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